Потолочный вентилятор Factory (33611FAR) Их работа осуществлялась от энергии воды. Вентилятор, состоящий тогда из двух лопастей, и водяное колесо соединял ременной привод. В 1882 г. более усовершенствованную конструкцию данного устройства предложил изобретатель Филипп Диель.
Russian Customs News
24.11.2013 - M. Motorin will represent RF Government when RF State Duma will be considering the ratification of the agreement with Armenia on deliveries of natural diamonds to the republic in 1999-2001.
24.11.2013 - Metal suppliers submits applications for export quotas.
24.11.2013 - RF Ministry of Communications raises tariffs for all types of operations.
23.11.2013 - During 10 months of 2000 debit balance of Russian foreign trade amounts $49,7 billions.
23.11.2013 - This week RF SCC will begin to transfer accounts of Central and North-West customs departments to RF Central bank.
22.11.2013 - In Lithuania the head of RF SCC will discuss the possibilities to improve effectiveness of struggle against smuggling and other violations of customs regulations.
22.11.2013 - Tony Blair: The interest of Britain business for investment co-operation with Russia in fuel and energy complex is growing.
22.11.2013 - At the meeting on November 30, 2000 the government heads of CIS countries will submit unified rules of import licensing.
20.11.2013 - The program of customs service development for 2001-2003 was discussed by M. Kasyanov, RF Government chairman, and M. Vanin, RF SCC head.
20.11.2013 - Customs officials counseled from tax officers.
Server News
19.07.2013 Registration of participants in foreign economic activity tel./fax 925-58-49, 925-38-96
06.07.2013 Soon a list of basic terminals will be placed here in Virtual Custom House
17.01.2013 Now On-line consultation are in english! If you need an answer to your question ask it to a customs official, officer, broker or a lawyer practicing in FEA.
10.01.2013 Virtual Custom House offers analytical forecasts and statistical reviews basing on FEA of Russian entities.
For participants in foreign economic activity and representations of foreign companies.
Memorandum for participants in foreign economic activity.
Memorandum for representations of foreign companies.
Certification instructions.
The procedure of customs clearance of goods and transport means.
On the violation of customs regulations.
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